Foods for a better and comfortable sleep
Too much tossing and struggling to fall asleep can be harmful to your health, and instead, having a good night’s sleep is very beneficial for your health.
One of the ways to improve the quality of sleep is to choose the right snacks to eat before sleep.
Eating a heavy meal before bed is never a good idea, a light snack is recommended instead.
What should you do when you feel hungry but you don’t want to disturb your sleep?
Here are some snacks that can help you sleep better.
1. Banana
Known for its high magnesium and potassium content, bananas help relax muscles and regulate sleep cycles.
Bananas also contain amino acids that produce serotonin and melatonin; The same hormones that promote sleep help.
2. Almonds
Almonds are rich in magnesium and can have a calming effect on the body and mind.
Almonds also contain healthy fats and protein that can keep you feeling satisfied throughout the night.
3. Otmil
A small bowl of warm oatmeal before bed helps increase insulin production, which can also help release sleep-inducing hormones.
Avoid adding too much sugar or sweeteners to it.
4. Whole grain crackers
Eat whole grain crackers with a little peanut butter for a snack that combines carbs with healthy fats.
This combination helps stabilize blood sugar and makes you feel full throughout the night.
5. Chamomile tea
Although chamomile tea is not a snack, drinking a cup of chamomile tea before going to bed has a soothing effect on the body and helps to relax and improve the quality of sleep.